Friday, July 10, 2009

BIG MAMA (Broccaso 1)

Big Mama

Big Black Mama
Lay Back Your Head And
Rest your Shiny Feet
Relax your weary soul
And smile
Knowing that you are mother to All

The creator of passion
The sculptor of the heart
The strummer of the harp

As you feed me off to sleep
I awake knowing
That mama is forever
And everything is going to be
All right

Big Black Mama
Lay Back Your Head And
Rest your Shiny Feet
Relax your weary soul and smile

You gain your strength from the sun
Like the moon
While humanity
Suckles from your breast
For it’s nourishment

It has forever been taught
that woman comes from man
I understand that this is written
but I still can’t understand

How could it be
That you come from me
When it is from your love
And your strength that I feed

Big Black Mama
Lay Back Your Head and
Rest your Shiny Feet
Relax your weary soul
And smile
Knowing that you are Mother